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Divulgação: EDULEARN21 International Education Conference

Está aberto até 18 de março de 2021 o prazo para submissão de resumos no âmbito da Conferência Internacional de Educação do EDULEARN. Os tópicos centrais nesta edição do evento são muitos e todos eles prementes: 'COVID19: Distance Learning in Times of Crisis' (From face-to-face to Remote Learning, Digital Technologies and Resources for Learning under Lockdown, Rethinking Assessment, Teacher Training and Support, Leadership and Management in Uncertain Times, Instructional Design and Curriculum Priorities, Keeping Students Engaged, Inclusion and Equity to Minimize the Educational Disruption, and Ensuring Students and Teachers Well-being), 'Experiences in Education' (Educational Trends and Best Practice Contributions, Enhancing Learning and the Undergraduate Experience, Early Childhood and Preschool Education, Primary and Secondary Education, Higher and Further Education, Pre-service and In-service Teacher Experiences, Special Education & Inclusive Learning, STEM in Education, Language Learning Innovations, Quality Assurance and Accreditation, Curriculum Design and Development, Higher Education Area: The Bologna Declaration and ECTS Experiences, Transferring Skills and Disciplines, and Educational Management), 'Pedagogical Innovations in Education' (Learning and Teaching Methodologies, New Learning/Teaching Models, Evaluation and Assessment of Student Learning, Flipped Learning, Informal learning, Learning by doing & Experiential Learning, Problem and Project-Based Learning, Team-Based and Collaborative Learning, Game Based Learning, Personalized Learning, Tutoring and Coaching, Neuroscience in Education, Next Generation Classroom & Learning Space Design, and Design Thinking and Creativity), 'Career Development and Training' (Vocational Training, Lifelong Learning, Workplace Training and Employability Issues, Internship Programmes, Entrepreneurship Curriculum, Training Educational Staff, and Professional Development of Teachers), 'Experiences in Research' (Academic Research Projects, Research Methodologies, Links between Education and Research, and New projects and Innovations), 'Collaboration Projects and Networks' (International Projects, New Experiences for the International Cooperation , University Networks, Exchange and Mobility Programmes, The Internationalization of Universities, University-Industry Cooperation, and Technology Transfer), 'Trends and Issues in Education' (Education and Globalization, Multicultural Education, Impact of Education on Development, Organizational, Legal, Policy and Financial Issues, Digital Divide and Access to the Internet, Barriers to Learning - age, psychosocial factors, ethnicity... -, Diversity Issues, Women and Minorities, Ethical Issues in Education, Leadership in Education, Student Support in Education, 21st Century Skills, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development), 'e-Learning' (e-Learning Projects and Experiences, Blended Learning, Mobile Learning, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Distance Learning, Online/Virtual Laboratories, Virtual Universities, Evaluation and Assessment, e-Assessment, e-Tutoring & Mentoring, Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS),, Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), Learning Management Systems (LMS), Personal Learning Environments (PLEs), e-Learning Standards, and Educating the Educators), 'Computer Supported Collaboration' (Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs), Web 2.0 and Social Networking, Social & Digital Media in Education, Community Building, and Computer-Mediated Communication Tools), 'Emerging Technologies in Education' (Technology-Enhanced Learning, Flipped Classroom, The Impact of Web Technologies on Education, Best practices in multimedia-based education, Web Classroom Applications, BYOD - Bring your own device - and 1:1 Learning, Mobile and Tablet Technologies, Advanced Classroom Technology, Virtual Reality and 3D Applications, Augmented Reality, New platforms to teach coding skills (Arduino, Raspberry PI,...), Cloud based technologies, ICT skills and Digital literacy, and ICT for Development), 'Educational Software & Serious Games' (Educational Software Experiences, Computer Software on Education, Educational/Serious Games, Gamification, Videos for Learning, Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, and Animation and 3D Systems), 'E-content Management and Development' (Open Educational Resources, Open Access Education, Knowledge Management, Digital Libraries and Repositories, e-Portfolios, User-Generated Content, Plagiarism, Learning Analytics).


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